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Drinking Water in Idaho

Department of Environmental Quality

Camp fire

DEQ's Drinking Water Program protects public health by ensuring drinking water from public water systems (PWS) in Idaho is safe. DEQ is authorized to administer Idaho's Drinking Water Program through the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IDAPA 58.01.08). Approximately 95% of Idahoans rely on ground water for drinking water. Surface water, such as streams, rivers, reservoirs, and springs, supplies the remaining 5%.

In Idaho, some 1,960 public drinking water systems serve Idaho's population. PWSs, which may be publicly or privately owned, serve at least 25 people or 15 service connections for at least 60 days per year. Many other Idaho citizens get their drinking water from private wells. These wells are not regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act; well owners are responsible for ensuring their water is safe.

The PWS Switchboard is a quick and easy way for PWS owners and operators to access a wide range of information relevant to water system operation in Idaho. It features quick links to state and federal rules, monitoring schedules, plans and specifications, public notification templates, sanitary survey forms, drinking water system classification requirements, operator licensing, reporting tools, and operator hiring information.